- Over 35 years of experience as a mediator, arbitrator and neutral adviser in significant cases
- Mediated cross-border disputes in the country’s biggest cases
- Conducted mediation and negotiation trainings nationally and internationally for professionals, business leaders and judges.
Jack Esher He has served as a mediator and arbitrator in bankruptcy and commercial matters for more than 25 years, including serving as a primary mediator for large multi-party, international disputes in the Lehman Brothers case for over six years. He has served as a member of the Mediator Registers for the Districts of Delaware and Massachusetts, and frequently as mediator for matters in the Southern District of New York. Jack was a member of the distinguished panel of mediators and arbitrators at JAMS, and currently serves on the commercial mediation panel of MWI, based in Boston. He founded and chaired the American Bankruptcy Institute’s Committee on ADR in 1994 and co-authored the first mediation book published on bankruptcy matters, ABI Guide to Bankruptcy Mediation (ABI, 2nd Ed. 2009), which has been succeeded by Bankruptcy Mediation (ABI 2016) to which he is a contributor.
Along with the ABI books on mediation, his authored works include The Emergence of Mediation in Cross-Border Cases (with D. Glosband and L. Clark) (Insol Journal, 2nd Quarter 2018; ABI Caribbean Conference, 2019); Insolvency Mediation Around the Globe (GRR 2018); Recent Use of Mediation for Resolution and Effective Management of Large Case Insolvencies (International Corporate Rescue 2015); Alternative Dispute Resolution in U.S. Bankruptcy Practice, 4 S.New.Eng.Roundtable Symp.L.J. 76 (2009); Compendium of Bankruptcy Court Local Rules on ADR (ABI and PLI, 2009, 2010, 2012 and 2013); Arbitration and Judicial Discretion: Circuits Are Split (Norton Bankruptcy Law Adviser, May 2006); and Claim Resolution Facilities (ABA Dispute Resolution Magazine, Summer 2003). Mr. Esher served as head trainer for an extensive, multi-year training program for the Thailand Judiciary in which over 700 business leaders, attorneys and judges received extensive mediation training in Thailand through a program funded by USAID and Kenan Institute Asia. The work resulted in a comprehensive ADR Program administered by the ADR Office of the Thai Judiciary in all of the civil courts of Thailand.
Mr. Esher is a frequent writer and presenter on mediation, and has conducted many mediation trainings and educational programs for attorneys, other professionals and judges. He is a member of INSOL and a Sustaining Member of the American Bankruptcy Institute.